Criss Cross Stars

Criss Cross Stars
60 x 73 inches
Quilt of Valor #239

Criss Cross is a twin to an earlier QOV  (Sixteen-Patch Lattice). Both quilts were started in April when I travelled to Denver to sew with Marilyn, my sister. 

This quilt was stalled for a couple of months and taunted me from the design wall. I finally finished it in late July. Hopefully, it will be presented to a veteran in November at the Eppson Center veteran appreciation event. 


  1. Some veteran is going to love this!

  2. It's a beauty! After seeing your first one with these star blocks, I've used some of my leftovers to make the star blocks too. I really like how those 16-patch centers look in the stars.

  3. Stunning! The vet that gets that is very lucky.

  4. Oh... now there's another idea for my 16 patches I'm making!

  5. What a pretty quilt! Some Vetaran will just cherish your work!

  6. This quilt top may have been taunting you, but you showed it who is the boss! Very nice indeed.

  7. Very pretty Nancy! A friend of ours was in a quilt ceremony in Indiana eleven Veterans got quilts!!

  8. I thought that beautiful quilt looked familiar. It's a great finish.


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