I didn't intend for the break from blogging to last for nearly four months, but there is no denying that the blog was dormant. During that time, I read blogs and commented when I could. 

I didn't do a lot of knitting, but I read several books and managed to finish a couple of Quilts of Valor that were started in April.  Photos coming soon.

This summer was unusually rainy (I didn't water my flowers at all, and they flourished). At times I felt like I was living in the Pacific Northwest. 

A woman who summers in Laramie (from Kansas) to spend time with her grandchildren wanted to find a mahjongg group. The Eppson Center (senior center) didn't offer that activity, so I partnered with her to start the group. Only a couple of those interested had ever played American Mahjongg, so the learning curve was steep for nearly all of us. Some ladies got frustrated with the game, so I suggested that group try the Chinese version: they loved it. Now, both versions are played on the same day, and everyone is having fun. I can play both, but I personally prefer Chinese mahjongg.

I didn't take any trips this summer mostly because my back has been bothering me. I've been dealing with the intermittent pain for over a decade and have tried everything imaginable (acupuncture, physical therapy, cold laser treatments, and medication) to lessen it, but nothing has made a significant difference in the pain level. Finally, I determined that I'd had enough and scheduled an appointment with a spinal pain specialist. I've had x-rays, and this week I am having a myelogram CT scan to determine the cause. Hopefully, I can get some answers and some relief. 


  1. I've missed your quilt posts but happy to hear you've had a good summer. I like to play Mahjong at night when I can't sleep on my computer. I'm not very good at it but it is fun.

  2. Welcome back!! I missed you! I hope you get some relief for that back pain. My husband has been dealing with back pain this summer too, and has had a similar journey - meds, PT, acupuncture, etc. Ironically it doesn't bother him playing golf, but riding in a car is difficult. It has actually driven his decision to finally retire in the next month.

  3. Welcome back. You were missed. I hope that the dr. can find something that gives you relief. I'll be sending good vibes for some good, solid answers that help.

  4. I have missed you! I hope you find the cause of your back pain....I know how miserable it can be. I use rice bags warmed in the microwave to help mine. Of course that is not a long term fix. Mine is the RA...no fun. The Mahjong group sound like great fun!

  5. So Sorry to hear about your back pain. May the doctors find a solution for you with this test. Happy to hear that you have had an enjoyable summer teaching and expanding your Mahjongg group.

  6. Hello hello! Good luck and I hope the diagnosis is one that can be easily treated!

  7. Hope you get some relief from your back pain. I suffer from chronic back issues (herniated disc) so I know how much of a drag it can be.

  8. I had noticed you hadn't been writing much lately, but wouldnt had guessed
    It had been four months. Sorry to read about your back pain, that sort of thing really gets you down. Do hope you can find a fix with your pain specialist.

  9. I missed your quilt posts but know that life gets in the way. Your groups for mahjongg sound like fun. It's always good to learn new things. I hope you get some answers about your chronic back pain. It's no fun to have an aching back.

  10. I have also missed you, but since I saw you commenting on blogs I figured you were okay and just needed a break like evryone does from time to time. I am so sorry to hear about your back pain. I understand so well how hard it is to cope sometimes. I hope you can get some relief soon. Anyway, it's good to see you back blogging.
    Blessings and hugs,

  11. I''m glad you are getting help for your back pain--pain just saps all of the oomph right out of you!!!


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