Silver Lining Hat

Silver Lining Hat
made with several scraps of sock yarn
Summer 2023

Last night just before sunset, I snapped photos of the Silver Lining (reversible) hat which I knit this summer with several small bits of scrap sock yarn. Most of the knitting was done during Sunday Face Time calls with my nieces and my sister. The hat grew about two inches during each of the weekly video chats. 

hat turned inside out

The sun sets early this time of year, and the golden light quickly disappears. The hedge outside my front door turns a brilliant red when the conditions are right, and the transformation has begun. Many of the trees and shrubs around town are just beginning to change color.

Morning temperatures have been in the mid to upper 30s, and daytime temperatures are now in the mid 70s. I hope this is an extended Fall, but I doubt that it will be. 


  1. What a pretty hat! Love the colors in it.

  2. Very pretty hat with that subtle color variation. I like fall too, with the cool nights and warm days - and the changing color outside. But the shorter daylight hours always seem to catch me by surprise. I look outside and think it's later than it really is.

  3. I've never knit that, but every time I see one, I think I should! Yours is just lovely!

  4. You set up that photo perfectly. The hat is really pretty and looks like it will be really warm.

  5. You've really got the knack for turning those hats into works of art!

  6. Your hat looks beautiful, even more so with the lovely background.

  7. The hat looks terrific but the photo is a real beauty!!! nice job on both!

  8. What a beautiful hat and it looks so nice with the lovely background. I'm a bit envious of your cooler temperatures. It's still plenty warm in southeast Nebraska.

  9. That is a beautiful fall hat that matches your bush so perfectly. It's pretty warm here and will be in the 90's later this week. I really thought those temperatures were over for the year.

  10. Such a pretty hat in the evening light! Days are getting shorter so fast! Thank you for the birthday car, it was so nice that you remembered:)


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