Surprising Results

close-up of color striping
May 2022

While I would probably have not combined these colors on my own, I like how they work together once knit. I was not expecting the yarn to stripe but rather to have random blotches of color, but I do like the stripe effect.

I think the gold stripe at the end of the gusset is the first stripe on the cuff. It will be fun to see how the rest of the foot looks. 


  1. Now those are very classy colors! How nice to have a break from the scarf!

  2. That yarn color is really rich and pretty!!

  3. I really like the colors! That is part of the fun working with multicolor yarn!

  4. Beautiful. Trekking comes packaged differently now? I think those socks are very autumnal. Happy knitting!

  5. I really like that those stripes are turning out. Isn't it fun when you aren't sure how things are going to turn out.

  6. Very nice indeed! My sock knitting is coming along slowly.

  7. Now those are my kind of socks! They must be really fun to work on.

  8. Cool yarn…or more correctly how it is knitting up is cool. I failed to mention that the book you recommended is now on reserve. I hope to listen to it within this month or so. Thanks for the info on it.


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