Independence Day

Independence Day
Quilt of Valor
56 x 66 inches
Several years ago, I purchased a yard of fabric that included the four center blocks and the two flags. Nothing in my fabric stash matched or complemented the pieces, so they were shuffled from pile to pile and waited.

After completing Rockets Red Glare and Celebrate Freedom, I wondered if the remaining starred fabric would work with the printed flags and blocks. The reds and blues were a close match, so I began working on Independence Day.

I had just enough starred fabric to complete this Quilt of Valor - #58.


  1. Another bright and bold quilt of valor! I especially like the bright, bold patriotic colored quilts you've made! They shout out how proud we are of our service men's dedication to this bright and bold country of ours!
    May freedom live!

  2. Oh yeah, that fabric is just the ticket. Another very patriotic quilt!

  3. The colors are perfect together. Someone will love that quilt. I have never done a QOV because the rules seem too picky but I love seeing yours.

  4. Very nice! Waiting certainly paid off. The fabrics look great together.

  5. Very mod ....the little flower reminds of the 60s Flower Power flower. LOL


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