Foreign Friday

The last few Foreign Friday posts have been uncomfortable for some readers, and that is understandable. However, the only way we can truly learn from history is to see it as it is, warts and all.
Display in Nagasaki museum
April 1980
(click to enlarge)
Some commenters in recent weeks asked if the Japanese people were uncomfortable around Americans. I did not sense discomfort from any of the Japanese people I encountered in my two years living and traveling in Japan, and I travelled from the north to the south.

Nagasaki Peace Park Memorial
April 1980
The Peace Park Statue in Nagasaki is 33 foot tall and dominates the park. The man represents a combination of Buddha and Jesus Christ. His right arm is reaching skyward in fear of the atomic bomb, and his left arm and hand are reaching out in peace and giving comfort.

It was a dreary day when we visited the Peace Park, and the overcast sky made it difficult to get good photos. Yet, I loved the birds perched on the statue, giving a sense of peace.


  1. I'm thankful for the healing that has occurred over the years.

  2. Discomfort isn't a bad thing. Sometimes, you have to be uncomfortable for change to happen.

    What a fascinating statue! The birds really do make the image.

  3. I too am thankful for the healing that has occurred between our countries. If only we could have that only healing within our own country.

  4. I completely agree that we need to be reminded and remember even the ugly past. I often find myself disappointed in people who refuse to face it

  5. Yes, I too hope we can learn from history. We must continue forward progress toward peace world-wide.

  6. GOod for me to learn about the Peace Memorial. YOu teach me so much Nancy. Thanks

  7. You can't change the past, but you can learn from it! Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts and photos, Nancy.

  8. It's good to talk about history...we need to learn from our mistakes most certainly.

    A beautifully executed statue...and I too love the birds on it.


  9. History isn't always easy to stomach..our leaders do what they have to do. Some just better than others. I like the birds on the statue too:)


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