Ribbon Candy

Ribbon Candy
Western Region Oddball Baby Blanket
started November 2012

I knit the last section on Ribbon Candy. I used some scrap balls of pink, red, lime green, and white for my garter stitch section.

Knit on size 8 needles and 126 stitches. Now, it's off to get a border.

Update: April 1, 2013


  1. So pretty! It really does look like ribbon candy.

  2. A classic example of how many ideas come together to make something unique and beautiful. You couldn't plan it if you tried.

  3. This won't surprise you... it's my new favorite! So pretty and perfectly named/executed!

  4. this one does look just like ribbon candy!

  5. Your section looks like a yummy piece of ribbon candy I've eaten at Christmas! The title is so clever...makes for a fun challenge.

  6. another lovely little gem. Do you ever do the finishing or does the same person always finish? g

  7. OH I love RIBBON CANDY for the name of this one . Perfect . So adorable too

  8. That is one lucky little one to get that darling blanket! Love your knitting!

  9. Oh I love this one, it is so cheerful

  10. This is a pretty little blanket! Looks like candy colors:)

  11. The first set of stripes remind me of that watermelon jelly candy that my mother so dearly loved.

    Good job on the finish.


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