All Aboard

Riverton, Wyoming
April 2012

I can't remember when the last train came through town, but I do remember traffic stopping for the train to cross Main Street when I was a child. The tracks have long since been pulled up, and the right of way through town has been turned into a paved walking trail, which some civic organizations have adopted, planting trees, grass, and flowers as well as placing benches for respite.

Over the years the depot has housed various businesses - the Chamber of Commerce, a gun shop, and a restaurant. This historic building is now a popular Mexican restaurant, called The Depot.

Several years ago, the building's foundation was repaired, and the area surrounding the depot is currently being transformed into a mini park where visitors can stop and admire this lovely old building that continues to be a vital part of the community.


  1. I think a lot of old depots must be restaurants now. There was in Linden, Alabama we used to eat at called The Depot, of course.

  2. It is a era of our past for sure. Have been thinking of taking a solos train trip just for the experience of it.

  3. I love old train buildings. Nice that they community is beautifying and using the area in a way to remember they history of the town. It's important. g

  4. Our old train station was restored about a decade or so ago. They tend to be remarkable buildings, don't they?

  5. Well it is just adorable. Looks like a whistle stop for sure

  6. So glad they kept it...and have used it!!

  7. How neat! That makes me want to travel back up that way again! SIGH... maybe sometime.

    Watching the weather last night, it looked like perhaps you finally got some rain/snow up your way. I hope you really did!

    Now, off to the camp on the lake for a little fishing and R&R.

  8. What a lovely building with History! Our depot was torn sad and our railroad way became walking and bike trails..the biker people are very rude..they must not like walkers:(

  9. As many times I have driven through Riverton and had no idea!!! Thanks for sharing.


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