Knitting Trunk Show

Orenburg Lace Shawls
Riverton, WY
April 13, 2012
Friday evening, I was surrounded by the gorgeous Orenburg lace shawls, pictured above, when Galina A. Khmeleva hosted a trunk show for Fremont County Fiber Guild (FCFG) members. Each shawl was unique and more beautiful than the previous one.

Galina Khmeleva
shares the history of Orenburg Lace Knitting
Galina displayed each shawl and allowed FCFG members to admire the intricate stitches on the sheer shawls.

One of two books that Galina Khmeleva authored
on Orenburg Lace Knitting
The Fremont County Fiber Guild brought Galina to Riverton for two days of lace knitting workshops, and members could enroll in one day or both days. I decided to take both workshops, each 6 hours long.


  1. The shawls are stunning! I'm not sure I'd ever be able to focus my concentration enough to knit such an intricate design.

  2. Ive only been to one trunk show but it rocked! I LOVE the images today Nancy

  3. Impressive. Are you going to tell us more about the workshops?

  4. WOW! What beautiful shawls! I've never been brave enough to even try lace knitting... I still have trouble following simple patterns for my socks. I can't wait to see what YOU accomplished at the worshops.

  5. I want to know more! Please. Those shawls are amazing. Was it all lecture/demo? Or was there some tips and techniques? Maybe I should find a fiber group in my area? But I'm already a member of the ASG and am busy with that.

    But oh how amazing those shawls are. ::sigh:: g

  6. I would have loved to have seen that and been there, just to be in the same room with that kind of quality knitting would be a dream come true!

  7. What beautiful work!! Can't wait to see what you do...

  8. Oh my gosh!! LOVELY!!! I'm so glad you got to have so much fun!!!!

  9. Gosh they are so pretty. Guess you'll be knocking one out real soon.

  10. Love this blog. The pictures you took turned out great. I know it won't be long and you will have a scarf you knit to post.


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