Foreign Friday

In last week's post you saw the meager shipment that I
sent to Japan by boat. My return two years later involved
an actual shipping container.

Hmmm, let's be honest here and say shipping containers. Yes, both of
those large wooden crates held my belongings, and they were delivered
right to my front door in small town Wyoming after traveling from
Misawa Air Force Base, Japan to Yokohama Naval Base, Japan
and across the Pacific Ocean on a slow boat. 


  1. Well, you can't go to Japan for two years without bringing home a few mementoes. :)

  2. hehehe, you should've seen how many "shipping containers" we came home with! it's amazing how much more stuff you bring home than what you left with.

  3. WOw. Well I would have been disappointed if you came home with LESS!!!! Treasures one and all I am sure

  4. Hem. My first boss (the fire chief) taught me the freedom of shipping stuff home from trips. He was famous for shipping even dirty laundry, if he had purchased stuff he was more interested in keeping in his luggage!

  5. LOL...that is too funny.... must of been fun shopping!!!

  6. That is fascinating!!!!

  7. Here I thought you were a bag lady!
    Rebel Follower


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