Tetons in Winter

Jane F., Nancy J., and Trish S.
January 14, 2012
At a recent knitting night, Jane revealed that she had never seen the Tetons during the winter, so four of us planned a road trip to Jackson.

The forecast said a storm was approaching the State, and I secretly hoped the Tetons would not be shrouded with clouds when we got over the pass. While Saturday was a cloudy day, the Tetons were definitely visible and decked in Winter finery. Temperatures in Jackson were in the mid 30s; however, by late afternoon the wind was blowing and dropped the temperature.
Jane F., Nancy S., and Nancy J. 


  1. I'm glad the weather cooperated and it wasn't too cloudy for pictures. I've only seen the Tetons in person once, in the summer--beautiful in any season.

  2. What majestic mountains! I can see why my western friends belittle our worn down and out Blue Ridge Mountains, but I still love them too.

  3. Now those are mountains! And, gorgeous...

  4. Beautiful... a fair bit of snow! I had to look to see where the Tetons where...so that is south of Yellowstone?

  5. Oh my ,I have to add them to my must see list.

  6. Gorgeous! It's definitely a must see :)

  7. Oh I love the Tetons - they are just amazing and majestic. I will never forget driving around a corner and they were right in front of us. Stunning. g

  8. Wow - Beautiful!! The snow makes everything so pristine!!


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