Did You Know?

Riverton, WY

Did you know a complete house kit could be purchased from the Sears Roebuck catalog? I didn't until one of my friends told me several years ago. All the building materials for her childhood home, pictured above, arrived on the train.

Although my friend's house has some newer additions, I think its floor plan is the Westly. The Westly was available from 1913 to 1929.  Check out other Sears' house plans.

Many of the styles are similar to houses in my community. It would be fun to know how many of these homes were from Sears.

Follow these tips to see if you have a Sears home.


  1. Friends of ours are purchasing a home in Matagorda that was also built from a Sears kit. It needs a lot of fixing up, but hopefully it will be as beautiful as your friend's house when it's finished.

  2. This was a great post!! I love house plans so looked at many and the mansfield and the sheridan were both favorites.

  3. Wonderful post with great information. We also have several that look like this. I'll have to ask the owners.

  4. I have always loved the Sears homes. THe one you show is painted perfectly. One was torn down in our area in the last few years...sadly

  5. Yep...I did know this. There are several near my Dad's house. Though the ones I've seen have been much more modest. In today's economy, think this would be a good thing to do again.

  6. Beautiful house. Fun to look at the plans. I grew up in a bungalow, so I half wondered if maybe it was a Sears home. It was built in that time period. Didn't find any that was similar though.

  7. in looking through all the plans I see so many familiar ones. Not so much my little town, but Sioux Falls, who was growing rapidly during those years. Its so much fun to look through those plans. Kitchens didn't have so many cupboards--they were not usually built-ins like now. Tiny closets. Much larger living/dining areas. No garages.


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