Neck Coolers

This morning I finished thirty neck coolers, in time to take them to my church. A group will be gathering there this afternoon to make even more coolers to put in the care packages that will be sent to troops in Iraq. These coolers offer the soldiers some relief from the sweltering temperatures.

About a month ago, I found nearly four yards of unbleached muslin at a thrift shop for 25 cents and purchased it with the intent to make some neck coolers, but when I got the call yesterday about the care packages I knew I had to get busy. I tea-dyed the muslin, and began working on the coolers. Once I got into the rhythm of assembly sewing, it went pretty quickly.

It is hard to believe that these ties only use 1/2 tsp. of the Watersorb crystals. The cooler pattern that I use, requires "medium" crystals. If you decide to make some neck coolers, make sure the crystals that you use do not have fertilizer on them.

I am sure the troops appreciate every neck cooler that is sent to them.


  1. You are awesome, Nancy!

    I'm glad to learn where to find the polymer crystals!


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