Desert Sand

The Oddball Baby Blanket project was so successful that it has been split into regional groups: Northeast, Southeast, Midwest Plains, Midwest Great Lakes, Southwest, and West Coast. I am excited to begin anew, but saddened that I will not be in direct contact with some of the ladies from the other areas. It has been exciting to see everyone's knitting talent and to see the blankets grow. The last round of blankets for the old group are just being finished and the finished blankets can be seen here.

It is an honor to work on the first blanket for the West Coast group. Desert Sand was started by Ladylou in Colorado, and she sent it to me. The West Coast coordinator is AuburnChick, and she has started a blog to showcase our handiwork.

The West Coast region covers the states of California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming, and Hawaii. If you live in one of these states and want to participate, please leave a comment on the West Coast Oddball Knitters blog. All of the regional groups have a thread on and Ravelry, as well. Why not join one of the groups?

Knitting on these blankets is a lot of fun, a great way to meet new people, and a wonderful way to help a family who needs some comfort after the birth of their baby.

Update: October 6, 2008

It's finished and ready to find a home.


  1. It's amazing how much the Oddball project has grown!

    I love the colors on that blanket, Nancy. :-)

  2. This is such a great idea!

    I think I'm going to look it up on Ravelry....

  3. I've enjoyed seeing the progress of these blankets on your blog so much, that I seriously need to think of joining.

  4. What I like about the Oddball blankets is that I can chose the blankets that I want to knit. The group or coordinator picks the name and then invites people to sign up for that blanket: I chose based on my yarn stash. I have never gone out and specifically purchased yarn for these blankets although some members do. I think it defeats the purpose of an Oddball blanket, but those knitters may not have the stash that I do.

    I like the fact that I can chose the blanket and the number of blankets that I want to knit.


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