Taming the 3.5" bin

This pile of 3.5 inch fabric scraps may not look like much, but it took me two days to sew the neutral squares to the red and blue squares. The more I sewed, the more the piles didn't seem to shrink. 

I chain pieced the squares together and when the last squares were used, I cut them apart into half-square triangles. 

Inside the basket are 130 HSTs and in the foreground are another 130 HSTs ready to be trimmed and pressed. Look to the right of the basket in the top corner, and you'll see the piles of red HSTs ready to be trimmed, pressed and counted. 

I'm unsure what I'm going to make with these HSTs, but I have some ideas for blocks. The HST are 3 inches unfinished, so will finish at 2.5 inches in a block. 

So, you might be asking, "Is the 3.5 inch scrap bin empty?" Well, not exactly. I used all the cut 3.5 inch squares, but the bin still contains 3.5 inch strips. Those will likely be used for borders. 

I'm also tackling the 4.5 inch square bin, so I'll show progress on them soon. 


  1. That's a bunch of squares and triangles for sure! Your days have. been full.

  2. That is a BIG bunch of HSTs! Wow! My QOV scrap bin is overflowing again and this would be a great way to try to tame it a little.

  3. You're getting there! LOL I feel the same way about my yarn bins. I knit and knit and knit and they still seem full!

  4. You are making progress on such pretty blocks:)

  5. It's amazing just how long it takes to make a pile of HSTs

  6. So. much pretty fabric and lots of work! Progress is being made though, a little at a time. We're heading up I-29 towards SD. It's nice to be able to work on my laptop while driving.
    Blessings and hugs,

  7. What is it about fabric bins that just seem to fill themselves up? I've got a bin of charm squares that I swear reproduce when I'm not looking.


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