Art in the Park

Park bench
Optimist Park
West Side of Laramie

This unusual park bench is in a park on Laramie's West Side next to the playground equipment. It's quite unusual because it is also a recycling project. The shelter surrounding the bench is a part of a wind turbine blade. 

I'm not a fan (no pun intended) of wind turbines because I think they are unsightly, and the components are difficult to dispose of once they are damaged or outlive their usefulness. They must be buried and will not disintegrate in the landfill. I was very surprised when it was announced that this new park bench was made from part of a turbine blade. Even though this one blade was made into a park bench, I'm sure there are hundreds, if not thousands, of others that are in landfills across the nation.


  1. Those wind things fascinate and terrify me. We don't have them anywhere near here so when I do happen to see them, they seems surreal. I once sat in a rest stop on my way to visit son in Iowa and just stared at a row of them for close to an hour. I never thought about their sustainability, just their entertainment

  2. That is a very creative little bench. I recently saw a short program where they discussed some possible ways to recycle those blades. Hopefully some innovative recycling ideas are on the horizon. This whole world produces way too much waste don't we?

  3. We have tonnes of the turbines all over Ontario. I did not know the blades were so hard to get rid. I always assumed they were metal and thus recyclable. Your post made me do a little digging - and wow - I was wrong!

  4. The park was smart to try and recycle some of the turbine waste!


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