Lady Liberty

Lady Liberty
58 x 71 inches
Quilt of Valor #253

Lady Liberty was made using Bevels, a pattern by Mountainpeek Creations. I’ve used the pattern before, but the combination of fabrics and colors on this quilt really show off the design to its fullest.


  1. Lovely! The fabric with the stars could not be more perfect.

  2. WOW. Just WOW! That is stunning. Perfect fabric for the borders. Thank you for making this Nancy.
    Blessings and hugs,

  3. What a lovely frame you made for Lady Liberty!

  4. Wow-you are right, the fabric and design are perfect together!!!! Nice work!

  5. Very pretty! The sky blue really makes it all pop!

  6. Another beautiful one. The dark blue really was a great choice with that panel. At the state fair I met one of the long arm army ladies - and she had just quilted one of your quilts.

  7. What a striking setting for that panel of the Statue of Liberty. Do you remember the Statue of LIberty quilts that were made across the country a number of years ago? If I recall each state held a competition and chose one from their state. I was fortunate enough to see them exhibited. Yours could certainly be a contender.


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