Do You See It?

August 2022

I can't help but shake my head when I see an error like this. The sign was probably produced at the corporate level and is likely in every Goodwill in the United States.

Fortunately, our brain translates this automatically, so many people do not even notice two letters were transposed. 


  1. Yup - I did see it right away - drives me CRAZY!!!

  2. I find them amusing and irritating! How can they make it through quality control?! lol

  3. Noticed right away and should be corrected.

  4. OMG - this type of thing drives me crazy! One of our major local TV stations had a headline on Monday about someone "comming" to Sioux Falls on their website. It stayed that way for HOURS! Between basic spelling skills, spellcheck - and having someone else check things before they go out how does this occur?

  5. Yep .... saw it. I was just saying to Steve yesterday that they must not teach vocabulary and spelling in school anymore. On our local news (Philadelphia), they use so many words incorrectly. I know we have some crazy town names, but you would think an anchor that has been here for DECADES would know how to pronounce them. :::sigh:::

  6. A good portion of my job is to spot things just like that, BEFORE they get printed!

  7. I always see those mistakes. It drives me crazy on the news. Does no one proofread anymore?

  8. Yes, I did see it. Proofreading is getting to be a lost art - not to mention correct grammar.

  9. Interesting. I used to be a copy reader on our high school paper long ago, and mistakes seem to still jump out at me.

  10. People have gotten lazy on writing and spelling.


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