Judy's Gift

Judy's Gift
60 x 69 inches
Quilt of Valor #141
Judy's Gift was made the layer cake squares remaining from the stack I received from Judy M. in February. To make the quilt large enough, I supplemented some 10 inch squares from my Quilt of Valor scraps. The border fabric was part of Judy's generous fabric donation.

Pattern: Easy as Pie Layer Cake Quilt - free pattern on Moda Bake Shop


  1. What a nice combination of blocks here! You are an amazing quilter!

  2. Beautiful QOV. I love the way the colors just make this so rich looking.

  3. Your supplemental addition to the scraps is perfect. I can't figure which is which. GREAT JOB Nancy

  4. I don't know which squares are yours and which were from Judy's fabric! You are such a talented quilter.

  5. You inspired me today to buy a layer cake just so I can make an hourglass quilt from them!


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