Scrappy Baby Hats

seven baby hats
October 2015
I used the last bits of Julie's scraps to knit seven more baby hats, so the total is now 17 hats to be donated to the Public Health for the nurses to give to newborns in their care.

As I mentioned in this earlier post, I used the off-white yarn to stretch the scraps.

Thank you, Julie for sharing your scraps with me.


  1. Wonderful! You're the queen of putting scraps to good use!

  2. Another cute batch of hats. I bet the nurses enjoy having these to give to new moms.

  3. Each babe will be so cute in those hats! You are a sweet one Nancy

  4. So cute! The ivory color worked out really well.

  5. Have you kept track how many hats you've made this year? It's a lot of that I am sure. And you've made lots of folks very happy, too!


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