
east of Thermopiles, WY
September 2015
My sister and brother-in-law visited recently, and we drove to Thermopolis to meet their son and daughter-in-law for dinner. We arrived early, and after checking some stores downtown, we went for a short drive east of the State Park. This unique mailbox was spotted at a fork in the road.

Rusted, old vehicles used as riprap in a ravine
Thermopolis, WY
Riprap is usually not so noticeable, but this site was obviously quite old and was, in a strange way, almost beautiful.


  1. That is an unusual mailbox! I'd almost be scared to look inside.

  2. Guess that mailbox reminds the postal worker to NOT leave any bills! LOL

  3. The metalwork is very cool, but how much do I love there is a place called Thermopolis, WY?

  4. Oh dear the wild wild west mailbox

  5. I can honestly say I've never seen a mailbox like that one or cars used to slow erosion. Great finds!

  6. Cool Mailbox! Did you enjoy the hot springs? We camped on the west side of the road one time at a campground...trucks all night long:(

  7. I learned something new today. I've never heard of riprap, but now I know what it is. And, I've been to Thermopolis! Neat town!

  8. Interesting mailbox. I doubt anyone could knock that one over.

  9. Very interesting mailbox! I too learned something I had no idea what Riprap was.


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