Thoughts to Ponder

"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are."
~ Theodore Roosevelt

"The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there
is in life to celebrate." ~ Oprah Winfrey

"You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know
how soon it will be too late." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

"There are only two ways to live your life: one is as though
nothing is a miracle; the other, as though everything is a miracle. 
~ Albert Einstein


  1. I like the quote from Emerson--good advice.

  2. Teddy was a very wise man.

  3. Great post!
    Albert has always fascinated me!

  4. That is a lot to think about:) All good advice for sure.

  5. love the fern image. Love the thoughts. I love Do you have the courage to sit and wait until your muddy waters run clear?

  6. All are such good bits of wisdom. Thanks for posting these. :-)

  7. If I had ever met Albert Einstein I would have told him that everything is a miracle. I wouldn't want him to be confused about that. Heehee.

  8. There is a small section in one of our favorite magazines (like the paper kind) The Week, where they feature a bunch of quotes by famous people used in various publications around the world. Love it. good stuff. good thinking stuff.

  9. Great thoughts Nancy...I hope you are having a good week. Thanks for the get well wishes:)

  10. Love the quotes, but for some reason, I've always had a thing for ferns. Lush and lovely!!


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