Something to Ponder

Kodak moments. . .

Can you name other phrases that have recently become obsolute?


  1. Ha, ha! That started my day off right. Can't think of any phrases right now, but I'm sure I will later. I'll come back if I think of something.

  2. Thanks for the chuckle this morning. Can't think of any phrases, but . . . when will software companies stop using a "floppy disk" icon to mean Save? We have a whole generation of kids who have never seen a floppy disk and probably wonder why that icon looks like that.

  3. Timex: takes a lickin and keeps on tickin.

  4. I compared something to Betamax a few weeks ago and only got a puzzled look in return.

  5. "landline" almost obsolete
    cassette tapes

  6. LOL! Cute cartoon. I guess I'd add typewriter, transistor radio, and record player or turntable. However, I've been hearing that there's a resurgence of folks wanting to buy vinyl records and play them on a turntable.

  7. I love that cartoon! And I'm often thinking of these things.....makes me feel really old! .....In trying to keep their audience, tv announcers would say, "Don't touch that dial!"

  8. Not exactly a phrase ...I remember in my son's pre-school they were doing an art project with old records and my son asked me what a record was and then we had the school asking parents to borrow a record player, ha! Payphones still boggle his mind as "old timey".

    Geez Nancy, now I'm gonna have to play that outdated phrase with my husband tonight, hehe!

  9. Mimeograph. That goes way back. Touch tone. Party line. 35 mm.

  10. I laughed out loud at this one :)))

  11. LOL, that's funny, and the commenters above have some good ones too. I went to Academy last week to buy some tennis shoes and the back of the shoe wanted to turn under when I tried to get them on. I asked the young man working there if he had a shoe horn. He asked what it was and then said no, they didn't have those. Really? Shoe horns are obsolete now?

  12. Church key to open beer bottles! 8 track tapes. Warming up leftovers WITHOUT a microwave. What was the phrase for car air conditioning, when you rolled the windows down and drove 70mph? And a shoe store that doesn't have a shoe horn??!!

  13. What a fun post. Every year a university posts a list of things/words that university freshmen wouldn't know about. Of course I can't remember which school does it. I used to see the lists when I worked. I can vividly remember talking to an elementary class and used some reference to a word that kids had no clue about. But, darn, I can't remember it. One word that came to me is the return key on a computer keyboard. Makes sense on a typewriter but not as much on a computer. Fun question.


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