Just Because I Can. . .

February 3, 2014, I wrote about my hand-knit socks and was struck by two of the comments that were written that day. Both ladies are frequent readers who leave comments. To show my appreciation, I decided that they each needed a pair of hand-knit socks.

Click on Connie and Ann's names below to see the reactions to their hand-knit socks.

Connie said:
Connie's socks
knit with Opal yarn on size 2 needles
women's size 9
Ann said:

Ann's socks
knit with Patons Kroy on size 2 needles
women's size 9

Ladies, I hope you enjoy wearing your socks.

Update: December 2014: 
Ann sitting by the fire in her socks.


  1. Don't you just love newbie hand knit sock wearers?

  2. Awwwwwwwww...what a sweet thing to do! I'm sure Ann and Connie will LOVE their new socks.

  3. They will be thrilled with your generous gift. These are beautiful.

  4. Congratulations to the new hand knit sock owners. And, Nancy, what a really kind thing to do. Congratulations to you too!

  5. You are so generous! They are going to love them.

  6. Yes! I do love mine, they are really appreciated this bitterly cold winter! You are ever so kind Nancy! Thanks! :)

  7. What a sweet thing for your to do Nancy!! I love both pair but Ann's socks are yummy! Our daughter is always asking me to knit socks for her nurse friends because she says, "The world would be a nicer place if every person was wearing hand knit socks."

  8. Oh, what a wonderful surprise for Connie and Ann, and what a sweet thing for you to do!

  9. I'm leaving a comment - not in the hopes that I will receive a pair of socks - but because I simply love them. That second pair made out of Paton's Kroy yarn just spoke to me. Nicely done! (both the socks and the good deed!)

  10. Both gals will love them, I'm sure. What a wonderful surprise! A heart-warming gesture...well done!!

  11. You are such a sweetheart! I tell you the love of sock knitting amongst some of my favorite craft/knit blogs finally persuaded me to take the leap. You all are so inspirational and hello! How beautiful is it to watch the sock yarn transform?

  12. What a sweet, sweet lady you are!!!!!

  13. I recall my mom darning my dad's socks....

  14. What special gifts! You are such a good and kind knitter.

  15. Sorry for the late comment. It's been a busy few weeks. Way to show the love for the comments!

  16. I AM THRILLED! Thanks so much for a wonderful surprise. Quilters are the best!


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