One Piece At a Time

Cheryl gave me a 1,000 piece puzzle in December. When I opened the box, I knew it would be a challenge. Since the pieces were oddly cut, it was nearly impossible to separate the edge pieces from the rest of the puzzle. (I usually start a puzzle by assembling the border, but not with this one) I began working with the red pieces,

gradually added the purple and green pieces, and finally worked on the blue section. As you can see, the border pieces continued to elude me.

Success was achieved - one piece at a time. 

Look at all the gorgeous fiber in this puzzle!


  1. I wouldn't have touched that with a ten foot pool!! You must have the patience of Job. Good job.

  2. Well done! You may have inspired me to try the difficult puzzle I got for Christmas.

  3. Oye! That's a rascal of a puzzle, but it's gorgeous. Well done! My 8-9 bedtime goes out the window when I'm working on a puzzle. I'm a 'just one more piece' kinda girl. :)

  4. Oh my gosh! What a perfect puzzle for a stitcher! How long did it take you to get it finished?

  5. The colors are just so pretty!! That is a big puzzle!

  6. That's a perfect puzzle for a yarn connoisseur! Ha. Love it. It's really a great picture, but I can imagine it took LOTS of patience!

  7. Wonderful puzzle!! My Mother always had a puzzle going on a small table in the corner. We were each "ordered" to find one piece every day. It usually turned out that we all ended up working together on the puzzle for hours. She knew that would happen!

  8. That's such an amazing puzzle, and the picture has such beautiful yarn in it. You must have lots of patience.

  9. gorgeous puzzle! This used to be a favorite winter activity, but I haven't done one in a few years. My cat won't leave the pieces alone.

  10. What a STUNNING puzzle! Maybe I'll set up a puzzle table in the Knight's office... he loves a puzzle.

  11. The purples and the blues immediately reach out to me!

  12. It's a pretty puzzle, but wow, it looks like it would be hard, with all those string pieces looking so much alike. Good for you getting it done.

  13. Great puzzle! How long did it take you? Good job on getting it done!

  14. Golly, that puzzle is a stinker! I don't know if I could have stuck that one out.

  15. That looks like it was really hard to put together. You did a great job.

  16. Wow! That looks amazingly difficult. Great job completing it.


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