Spotted in Denver. . .

Denver suburb
June 2013
Now, I've seen everything: someone who cleans up after the family dog.

Everyone with a pet know that it can be a nasty chore to keep the yard clean. My sister said this pickup appears in her neighborhood on a weekly basis.

I was curious and checked the website: Poop911 has branches in many cities.


  1. Who would have thought there would be a market for a clean-up service like that???

  2. Wow. One of the advantages of raising guide dog puppies is the fact that the dogs learn to relieve on command. Because someone is always with the puppy, it is easy to clean up after the dog each time. No "land mines" in the yard!

  3. Maybe it's because I don't have a dog and our family dog had 15 acres to run wild, but I cannot imagine being lazy enough to have to pay someone to clean up your own dog's poop.

  4. I can't imagine wanting to DO that job.

  5. Love the way they advertise it:) I think it is rather inventive:)

  6. Oh my! Definitely NOT your "dream job" to have, and probably should leave this one OFF the resume when applying for other jobs. LOL! Thanks for the chuckle this morning!

  7. Interesting. Someone is far more enterprising than I am. My girls actually strive to "pile up" on our walks, in the woods, rather than in their own yard/pen. I do pick up after them at the beach though...

  8. If DH knew about this one he would definitely hire them! He is the official pooper-scooper in the family, and of course he hates it! I must look them up!

  9. Seems like they have a service for EVERYTHING now 'a days haha.

  10. Now I am tempted to say, could they come and clean up the stuff the neighbors leave behind with their dogs?

    Actually I think it's a great idea.


  11. oh yes, pooper scoopers have been in chicago land for YEARS. I however, was the daily pooper scooper when we had our Huckie.

  12. Too funny! Out of curiosity I'm going to check if there's one anywhere near me :)

  13. Some people are too busy to clean up after their own dogs..lazy. I imagine they have a busy business:)

  14. I had no idea that this was a business...but, hey, I admire the folks that saw there was potential in this...


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