Decking the Halls

Phases I and II of my Secret Project are complete, and many of your guesses were pretty close.

The hospital has a door decoration contest, and I was "volunteered" to create one for the Gift Shop door. The manager selected one of the gifts from the shop (a Jim Shore musical snowman) and asked me to create the shop door decoration using that object.

I started by taking a photo of the snowman, and then printed a transparency. Oddly, the hardest part was finding an overhead projector. I went to the library and asked if I could use their overhead for an hour, and the young librarian's mouth dropped open and said, "What do you need? I've never heard of it." I tell you, that made me feel ancient. Finally, I  found an overhead in the hospital classroom.

The image was traced on plain paper, and I spent a fun evening coloring the snowman to match the photograph.

Glitter was applied to the gingerbread man and house and the white area of the snowman.

The project is further along, but it is still not finished. I still need to:

• cut out the snowman.

• cover the Gift Shop door with snowflake wrapping paper.

• attach the snowman, ribbon and snowflakes to the door.


  1. Looks great...don't forget to take a finished picture for us to see.

  2. I'm glad to know that overhead projectors still exist and that there are still a few "ancient" people out there who know what they are and how to use them. :) The door is going to look great.

  3. fantastic! please post an after photo.

  4. Looks like a great project..secretly..I love to color..guess I am just a kid sometimes:)


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