Where Was I?

Take one ballroom, add over 1,000 people, a fabulous hotel and staff, and some informative sessions, and you have a weekend of fun and education.

I was fortunate to be awarded a scholarship to attend the 8th International Pulmonary Hypertension (PH) Association Conference. The conferences are held every two years and include not only PH patients but also physicians and representatives from numerous pharmaceutical companies.

Scientific sessions (for medical personnel) were held on Thursday. Patient-led sessions on Friday covered numerous topics for the PH patient. On Saturday and Sunday, physicians and nurses hosted sessions for patients and their care-givers. I took copious notes so I can use the information in the newsletter that I prepare for the Wyoming Pulmonary Hypertension Support Group.

Posters that explained current research projects were on display and many of the researchers were available to answer questions. Much of the information was beyond my understanding, but the work that these individuals do take us one step closer to a cure for this devastating disease.

By looking at these scenes from my hotel window, does anyone know where the conference was held?

Perhaps the baseball stadium in the background will provide a clue to the location.

Want to learn more about Pulmonary Hypertension? Information can be found here


  1. I was beginning to wonder where you were. It looks like Minute Maid Park and the George R. Brown Convention Center to me. You were in my neck of the woods!


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