Foreign Friday

Golden Buddha
Bangkok, Thailand
December 1979
The Golden Buddha is the world's largest solid gold buddha. It is nearly 10 foot tall and weighs over 5 ton. Click on the link for additional information about the buddha and its history.

The buddha was beautiful; however, it saddened me to see the abject poverty immediately outside the door of the temple where this priceless object was housed.

Golden Buddha


  1. Wow, that's a lot of gold! Interesting history, too.

  2. You know, that was my exact thought. I was watching a tv show about the Vatican treasures and my thoughts were heading to how much food and water that could buy for the needy.

    Our church went through a big expansion. They built a multi-million dollar building for the youth group. They have a rock wall, a computer room, a game room with all the latest video sickened me. All this stuff for rich kids who already HAVE all that stuff, while a mile away there are kids going without food and basic necessities. Oh golly --- this turned into a rant over a very beautiful Buddha. Can you tell this is a hot topic with me? ;-)

  3. Your travels have taught me so very much. Yes the irony is sad...

  4. Seeing something that big in SOLID GOLD... oh my goodness. Yeah, what a contrast to the poverty you saw! Such opulence could buy a lot of necessities for those in need.

  5. You are so right about the irony of wealth and poverty so close together.

  6. I'm glad you mentioned the value of the object compared to the poverty surrounding it or I would have to! $250 million would feed a lot of people and clothe a lot of children. I don't understand it but I guess religious objects are sacrosanct. I will save my rant and just say I agree with Dee.

  7. Solid gold, wow! I'll bet they also have to pay a bunch to guard it! Have to say, I agree with the others also. Pretty, but really?

  8. That's always been my problem; I do agree God deserves our best, but I'm pretty sure He doesn't want gold and jewels while his people starve outside.

  9. I recall thinking, after seeing the poor here, the complaints of many Americans were nothing but hollow whining.


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