Kindness Revisited

Two years ago, All Crafts for Charity (an online craft group) sponsored a drive to supply hats to my local hospital's nursery. I was overwhelmed by the generosity of the group: individuals sent over 300 hats to be given to newborns.

Two weeks ago, Barbara (one of the AC4C members) made contact and wanted to send more hats. She makes them on a regular basis and will send them throughout the year. I am honored to accept her donations on behalf of the hospital auxiliary.


  1. Very cute hats! I like the yarn that fades from pastel to white. I've never seen it before. Barbara, if you're reading, what is the name of that yarn?

  2. Barbara gave me the following information about the yarn:

    "The name of that Yarn is Premier Angel baby yarn. I first saw it in Mary Maxim's catalogue. Then she discounted it, and then it was gone. A little later I found it in Herrschners catalogue. Haven't looked for it lately, so, I'm not sure it is still there. I'd check, though. It is SO soft and works up beautifully!!

  3. Like Wool Winder, I LOVE that yarn that fades. Super, super cute!

  4. So sweet - looks like little pastel easter eggs.

  5. Cute hats, nice colors and great charity.



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