Tall in Spirit - a review

Coping with a chronic illness on a physical level is challenging, however, coping daily with the emotional and spiritual struggles that accompany chronic illnesses can be even more difficult. To truly understand these obstacles, you have to experience it. That is why I have enjoyed reading and re-reading Tall in Spirit: meditations for the chronically ill by Joni Woelfel.

Excerpts of Tall in Spirit can be read online.

The book includes 40 meditations, each with a scripture and a prayer. Ms. Woelfel knows; she understands, and she speaks the language of one who has struggled with a long-term illness (Menier's disease, Bell's palsy, and other diseases). Because of these illnesses, she struggles with remaining active, finding peace with shattered dreams and harsh realities, and coping with painful emotions.

Tall in Spirit was her first book, and she has since written others. I am anxious to read all of them, but I am drawn to her fifth book, Party of One: meditations for those who live alone.


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