Breaking Historical Records
Before February 22, 2017 finally down to "practically" bare pavement On Wednesday, February 22 I was thrilled that nearly all the ice and snow had melted on my street and from the parking lots around town: I was clearly getting a case of Spring Fever. As this earlier post illustrates, my street was covered with a thick sheet of packed snow and ice since the Christmas Day and two successive January Storms. The warmer temperatures in mid-February prompted melting snow and premature flooding through the valley along the Wind River . . . locally, the small town of Hudson took the brunt of the melting snowpack from the sustained chinook winds in the Sinks Canyon area - February 2017 and eventually on the Big Horn river further north. massive ice jam on the Big Horn River Worland, WY February 11, 2017 No one expected flooding in February! The premature thaw was brought under control by Mother Nature when the temperature dropped below freezing at night....