The Stars Align

The Stars Align
Quilt of Valor
57 x 66 inches
Four blocks left over from yesterday's quilt, Scrappy Stars, made another Quilt of Valor quickly possible. This one is a personal favorite due to the deep, mottled red that frames the stars and the antique beige with red cross-hatched fabric that pulls it all together.


  1. Oh, I like it. You are so good at putting quilts together like this.

  2. I'm interested to see what the quilter will do with the negative space. It gives her a lot of room to be creative.

  3. The style is so modern even though the colors aren't. Wonderful! And such a nice stash buster.

  4. Wow! That is such a simple idea and just looks amazing. I'm always at a loss for how to use left over blocks, and this is a wonderful solution.

  5. I love how you work so hard to not waste even a small amount of material, very inspirational!

  6. I love that deep red color too. It really compliments the other colors so well.

  7. No waste in Wyoming!!! I rescued some frisbees that were being thrown out; bringing them to the dog shelter.! Thats all the rescuing for me today!

  8. Nice job.. Just about two for the price of one. And, yes, the quilter has great space to do something wonderful.

  9. Fabulous! I'm quite certain I lack the vision to be a spontaneous quilter.


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