Eagle's Flight

In January, Alycia posted a photo of this panel, and I commented on how attractive it was. Alycia and I decided to swap panels, and I was amazed at the beauty of these eagles when I opened the package from her.

The panel is large, and I pondered how to feature it in a quilt. Did it need other blocks around it? Should it be off-set on the top? Finally, I decided the panel was too lovely to have other elements create a distraction around it. I allowed it to shine on its own.

Eagle's Flight is #10 in the twelve Quilts of Valor in 2012 challenge. Thank you, Alycia for this awesome panel. 

Eagle's Flight
Quilt of Valor
55 x 66 inches

Update: May 26, 2012

Alycia posted this quilt on her blog today. It should be wrapped around a hero soon.

Alycia posted a photo of the person who received Eagle's Flight, and the presentation can be seen below.


  1. Beautiful. It certainly is a stand-alone piece.

  2. It is really beautiful. When I first saw it, I thought it was a painting.

  3. Stunning! It's still March and you've almost completed the challenge. Wonder how many you will actually complete in 2012. g

  4. Love it, love it! You really did the right thing with this panel. Thanks for all you are doing. Wow, you are almost done with the quilt challenge! Kudos!

  5. WOW! That is really awesome! You were right... piecing would have distracted from the subject.

  6. Good Job Nancy!!! Your quilts will make some soldiers know that people really do care about them. You have put alot of Love into these quilts. You should be very proud.

  7. Absolutely beautiful!! You made a good choice in letting it stand alone. It makes my heart soar!

  8. The frame around this center piece is just perfect. I love it and that some deserving soldier will love and know we care!
    Rebel Follower


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