Foreign Friday

During Spring Break (April 1980) I accompanied some other teachers on a tour of Southern Japan. When I returned, I found the sign (pictured above) tacked on the door of my off-base house. At first, I was puzzled, but gradually I realized that my name had finally topped the list for an on-base BOQ (bachelor officer's quarters). While I was gone, my dear friend, Betty Moore, contacted the Housing Office and made the moving arrangements. She packed all of my possessions at the off-base house and unpacked them in the on-base apartment. I have never had a friend before or since do such a selfless act for me. I was deeply touched and very grateful. If she had not organized the move, the next person on the waiting list would have been offered the apartment and my name would have been moved further down.

Living room and study area. Notice the green, yellow, and white streamers hanging from the ceiling. Betty did that, too. It was a great surprise.

Small kitchen area. Notice the tiny sink on the left and two-burners to the right of the sink. There was no oven, so I purchased and used a toaster oven.

The refrigerator was located in the hallway. The bedroom through the doorway directly in front of the refrigerator.

The bedroom had a huge closet and a wonderful window that faced west. The laundry for the building was directly behind this room.

Betty had stuffed the shower stall with balloons, and they just kept pouring out the the shower when the curtain was opened. She must have had a great time preparing for my return. The door with the towel bar opens into the bedroom. I used the room from which this photo was taken as a dining room. I don't know why I don't have a photo of that room.

My apartment was on the end of the building and had a private entrance. In other parts of the building, two apartments shared an entrance.

Living on-base made a world of difference in my attitude. I looked forward to going home at night, and the steam radiators kept the apartment very cozy. I was finally happy and felt blessed to have a wonderful friend who made it all possible.


  1. WOW! That IS a great friend!! Love the streamers and balloons... :)

  2. Wow, you were truly blessed to have such a wonderful friend. I hope you are still in touch with her...a forever friend :)

  3. That's a great story and a great friend!

  4. Wow, Nancy! God truly blessed you with an amazing friend!! It looks and sounds like she enjoyed being on the giving end too!!

  5. How nice. Are you still in touch with her?

  6. Thanks for sharing that, how wonderful!


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