Do You . . .


I've been recycling for years: in the early 1970s several teachers in Wheatland, WY started a newspaper recycling service. We picked up papers left on the curbside one Saturday a month and pitched in to rent a trailer to haul the collected papers to Denver, CO. Reflecting on those efforts now, I see how large of a commitment we made to the community, but we were idealistic and didn't know enough to really consider the obstacles we would encounter. We just did it!

My current community has collected newspapers, magazines, white paper, milk bottles, cardboard, and aluminum at designated collection locations. Fast forward to 2009 when my town started curbside recycling to encourage more people to recycle and to increase the lifespan of the landfill. 

The basket (pictured above) is holding a month's worth of papers, junk mail, and unwanted catalogs. (I recycle my magazines at the public library and at the hospital.) I have containers in my garage for corrugated cardboard, aluminum and tin cans, #1 and #2 plastics, and all glass. Each week, the city picks up different items; thus, collecting items once a month. 

It is amazing just how much curbside recycling has changed the quantity of my garbage. The town council is raising garbage pick-up rates, but those who recycle will not see their rates increase.

Do you recycle? I recommend it!


  1. No, I really don't do a good job at recycling. One reason, probably, is because we don't have a recycling program in our community.

  2. I love that you have been recycling since the 70s!

    We have a mandated recycling and composting ordinance here in San Francisco. Everyone is required to sort refuse into recycle, compost and trash. All three are picked up weekly.

    You can even anonymously report a landlord or property manager who fails to provide these services if you are a tenant living in a multi unit building.

    It makes me really sad when I hear that people won't recycle because they have no support from their city.

  3. When I lived in south Florida, we had a curbside recycling program. However, it was a rude awakening when we moved and discovered my new home did not have such a program.

    I recently found out there are recycling containers around town, so I have been setting things aside and taking them while out on errands.

    What I like is the way my trash load has lightened. No more full trash cans to put beside the curb!!


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