Purple Mountains Majesty

West Coast Oddball Knitters are now working on Purple Mountains Majesty. This beauty is going to be knit with different shades of purple.

AuburnChick in Florida started with Violet

AuntCrafty in Hawaii knit with Lilac

I used Simply Soft Grape in my section and tried the Andalusian Stitch. This was a new stitch for me: it knits up quickly and adds texture to the blanket.

Update: September 29th

It is finished and ready to be given to a hospital.


  1. I've not had much blog reading time lately, but I see that you have been very busy, Nancy!

  2. What a cool idea. How do you transport without loosing stitches? How fun to see the different stitches people choose for their sections. Do you pick a theme to work around?



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