One Month Later

Continental Divide
May 5, 2011

Remember this post? Well, one month later, the snow pack is still impressive. In many places, the snow towered over the road and nearly formed a tunnel. My neighbor is about 5' 6" and the snowbank along the road clearly is nearly twice as tall. Note that she is not standing at ground level but about a foot higher.

It's obvious the snow hasn't melted much in a month, and some of it will undoubtedly still be on the ground well into June.

Since most of the snow was on the eastern side of the Continental Divide, the farmers in my area will not have to worry about sufficient water for their crops this year.

On the news last night, the weather man predicted an overnight storm would drop an additional 6 - 12 inches of snow in this area. The snowplow drivers are definitely earning their wages this year.


  1. It is gorgeous to look at though. We have rain today. YAY!!! It is rare!

  2. Wow, that snow is going to be there for a long time! I'm glad for the farmers in your area. Farmers over here are having a terrible year. I think the last time it rained was back in January. Even if we get rain soon (not expected to), it may be too late for some of the crops.

  3. SNOW? AGAIN?? It must be a real adventure living in WY. Evidently, spring and winter come and go at will until the calendar says it is summer.

  4. Gosh, that's a lot of snow so late in the year! I'm happy to say there is no snow around here especially after the winter we had, but there's no comparison to the continental divide ;)


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