Recent Happenings

Recently, I’ve been surrounded by a lot of activity. First the roof was replaced on all the buildings in the complex, and this week, the trim and soffits were painted on all the buildings. One thing that attracted me to this complex was the condition of the buildings and grounds. The management team has been stellar! 

In the lower right, you can see my tiny garden plot. Compared to Valerie’s garden mine is pretty pathetic, but I like the color that it provides to my entryway. 

Classes at the University of Wyoming start next week, so students are moving back into town. Last Saturday was “move in” day at the dorms, and this week students are moving into off campus apartments. I live on a corner, so I’ve noticed a considerable increase in both vehicle and pedestrian traffic. Soon, everyone will fall into a routine, and it will be less chaotic.


  1. How wonderful to have your home taken care of like that, though! Nice to hear you are part of a community! Great pop of color to greet you!

  2. How nice to live in a place that is taken care of so well. Many places ignore upkeep so I'm really happy for you. And your garden isn't pathetic at all. I love the flowers you've chosen to brighten your entryway. It looks like a great place to live.
    Blessings and hugs,

  3. And you have a very summery quilt square at your door too! How nice to live someplace where they take care of upkeep!

  4. Your flowers seem to be surviving whatever weather gets thrown your way!

  5. Any garden is a good garden if it makes you smile when you see it! Love your little "Barn Quilt" too!

  6. How lovely your barn quilt is, it looks so nice on your wall.

  7. What a lovely home. You've certainly got curb appeal. That little garden is perfect of puttering. That's about as much as I care to handle anymore.

  8. Your little garden is delightful. It has to be nice to live in a community that takes pride in keeping up the property.

  9. I remember when you made the barn quilts - it looks great hanging by your door. Your garden is lovely too. Nice that you have that spot to putter in and grow some flowers.

  10. I love that bright spot of color. It's nice to know there are communities that take good care of the property.

  11. Your garden looks perfect to me. It's not so big that it is hard to tend. I am not a gardener although I really wish I had some flowers I could cut and bring in the house. So far my minimal efforts haven't worked well. Sigh.


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