Base Housing

Base Housing
60 x 84 inches
Quilt of Valor #252

This quilt used a lot of scraps from my 2.5 inch bin. The rectangular shapes remind me of the barracks and BOQs on Edgren AFB, so I named this one Base Housing. 

Pattern used: Rectangle Dancing with Stars by Lisa Sutherland


  1. Nic job on the quilt! Lisa has some really eye catching patterns. :)

  2. Wow! This one turned out great and a stash buster, too!

  3. That one looks great. And what a great use of leftover strips. Of course you came up with the perfect name for it too.

  4. Very cool pattern - great way to use scraps!

  5. That's a great name. I live near an abandoned base on the bay that had lots of housing on it. It just rotted away for years until they finally started tearing it all down. It's a Navy research lab now.

  6. Perfect name. What a terrific use of some scraps.

  7. I like the name and the quilt. You do beautiful work.
    Blessings and hugs,

  8. Beautiful! You are such an inspiration, and I am sure your quilts are appreciated.

  9. Beautiful quilt and great name for it!

  10. I “discovered” your blog today and started following you. First I read my daily Jo’s Country Junction, then went to her free patterns like I sometimes do, and picked her Jimmy John quilt. Then there was a link to your quilt “Roll Call” from almost exactly 10 years ago. “Roll Call” was your 46th Quilt of Valor and because I thought that was so remarkable I hit HOME to see if you are still blogging. Not only are you still blogging but in the last 10 years you have made another 200+ QOV quilts! Amazing and wonderful! Congratulations! -Roxanne


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