Welcoming 2023

Black-Eyed peas for good luck
January 2023


  1. I've never had black-eyed peas. But have many friends and family who follow this tradition for new years luck. Happy New Year!!

  2. Happy New Year to you Nancy! I hope the peas work their magic!

  3. Happy New Year!! May 2023 be a year filled with joy and happiness along with excellent health!

  4. We have Hoppin' John every New Year's Day. The whole family texts their photos at dinner time and we critique each others versions. We all have a good laugh. It's a great way to start the year.
    Happy 2023!

  5. I've never heard of this superstition--I do like black eyed peas in salads, though! Yummy!

  6. We had bean soup. Is that close enough to bring good luck? LOL I sure hope so. We could use some. The end of 2022 was a bit of a poop.

  7. Happy New Year. I hope those black-eyed peas bring you a good year.

  8. I have not tasted black eyes peas...I always thought they were green with black dots:)


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