Windows of Faith

I've admired the windows in my church for years and decided to share them with my readers on Sunday. Each Sunday I will feature two stained-glass windows along with an explanation of each window. Previous windows can be viewed by typing "Windows of Faith" in the search box in the top left corner.

IHS and Pomegranate windows

The use of monograms to represent Jesus Christ our Lord is of very early origin. The monogram IHS stands for for the name Jesus: they are the first three letters of the word Jesus written in Greek capitals.

The monogram IHS should remind each of us of Jesus, and when we are reminded of the name Jesus, we are also reminded of the reason He came to be born of a virgin. The angel said it to Joseph when told to call His name Jesus - "for He shall save His people from their sins." (Matthew 1:21)

The pomegranate is a popular symbol of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ and also of the resurrection of His faithful followers. It, therefore, symbolizes the hope of new life because it is split by the pressure of its many seeds by which is signified the fruitfulness or the power to reproduce life. The Bible says, "If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature, old things have passed away; behold, all things are become new." (2 Corinthians 5: 17) By the power of Christ's resurrection, we are raised to a new spiritual life in Christ and we have everlasting life now. So the symbol of the pomegranate should remind us of Christ's resurrection, our new spiritual life in Christ, and of our own bodily resurrection on the Last Day.


  1. Wow -- the pomegranate looks so much like some of the baltimore album blocks... or other applique blocks. Inspiration is everywhere isn't it?

  2. Thank you for sharing your beautiful church windows. You have taught me something each week. I have enjoyed your snow pictures, home & abroad. I loved Cinderella's castle & coach!
    It was 75 today in Texas - Wednesday, it will be 18 degrees! The Super Bowl people are hoping we have no precipitation. We are about 20 minutes from the stadium, but the average Joe can't afford to go. Wish we could, though.


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