What a Difference

~ Wednesday, March 3rd ~
What a difference just ONE day makes 
when the temperatures are in the 50s! 
 ~ March 2nd ~
~ March 3rd ~
~ March 2nd ~

Another storm is due on Friday, but if these temperatures hang around, the snow which has covered the ground since mid-October will be gone, and it may actually rain instead of snow. 

It is hard not to have Spring Fever.


  1. and if it rains, won't that eat up the snow even faster? I remember it was always like that in Denver. How strange that I have no idea if it happens here.

  2. Oh Nancy, sorry you are expecting more snow but it is nice to see that green, isn't it!

  3. Hi Nancy -- Yikes, I've missed a few posts over the last couple of days. I'm hoping you are much better. And, it sounds like you are taking care of yourself. Good luck on the weight business. I will be happy to hold your hand, virtually. Or be a sounding board... what ever you need.

    I love the little blanket that was sent to you. Just curious -- is that a design or was it the yarn? Take care and hopefully the snow is ending. We're tired of it here although the sun is making some in-roads also.

  4. Wow, spring may actually be coming your way!!

  5. isn't it great to see the snow retreat?


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