Special Delivery

After I posted an entry about the need of baby hats at my local hospital, an online friend offered to help. Her donation from California arrived in today's mail.

Patt went one step further and issued a challenge to others in her online knitting group: Kathy and Lily pledged to also make hats.

I value their help, but even more I value their generosity of time, talent, and materials. Thank you ladies.

Update: April 26, 2008

Kathy's hats arrived today from Florida.

Update: May 5, 2008

Lily's hats arrived today from Virginia.

The babies at the hospital will be touched with the loving stitches from the Atlantic to the Pacific Oceans.


  1. Beautiful hats and a worthy cause! Thank you to everybody involved for being a true inspiration. People like yourselves give so much hope to others.
    Love and best wishes,
    Malgosia from Oxford, England


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