New To Me

Last week I made an interesting discovery: Amazon has a feature that allows Apple or PC users to download Kindle ebooks on their computers, iPads, etc.

I downloaded several free Kindle ebooks to read on my MacBook to see if I would like or even use the program.

The reader has several features of the Kindle - bookmarking, annotating, highlighting, and setting up a library on Amazon and on the computer. If you don't own a Kindle, you might want to check it out.


  1. I have the app on my hubby's iPad, but I've been too busy with my Nook and paperbacks to poke around.

  2. I have a Kindle and love it. I've never read any of my ebooks on my computer or phone, just because I don't enjoy scrolling down the page. My husband read most of Moby Dick that way though, until I got him a Kindle for his birthday.

  3. I love the kindle on my PC. It can synch with my kindle so I don't lose my place on either. :)

  4. Yea for free books!! I have quite a few loaded on my kindle.

  5. I also love my Kindle and the fact that DH can read our books on the iPad, but my favorite thing about Kindle is the archive function. We didn't just run out of bookshelves for storing books, we ran out of house! Now we can read the books again without using floor space to store them. Love it!!

  6. I discovered this fact a couple of weeks ago. Now, I can have my books on my phone through an app and computer! Yay!

  7. I had never heard of Kindle...when we were on holidays, hubby and I were sitting reading books...and a lady passed and said no Kindle?? I was blank... so its new to me too...I don't know I sorta like my books?? hmmm have to think about that new thing??

  8. thanks Nancy I didnt know! I have an ipad now so I may do this!

  9. I use the Kindle app for my iPad. I have my Kindle, my Mom's Kindle and my sister's iPad all on my account and we are able to share books. I love it...but don't have any desire to read books on my phone or computer!

  10. Love my kindle but hate to pay full price for paperbacks. Actually hate to pay for books when the library is close by. Of course, it is small and don't get all of the books I want. I like the fact that I can enlarge the type face so I always walk the treadmill and read when at the Y. Enjoy!


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