Windows of Faith

I've admired the windows in my church for years and decided to share them with my readers on Sunday. Each Sunday I will feature two stained-glass windows along with an explanation of each window. Previous windows can be viewed by typing "Windows of Faith" in the search box in the top left corner.

Cross and Interlocking Rings and
 Crown, Palms, and Stars windows

The symbol for Holy Matrimony is the cross with the two interlocking rings. The cross, which is a symbol of the Savior, signifies God's blessing on the couple and the promise of His everlasting presence through Jesus Christ, His Son. The interlocking rings tell of man and woman made one in Him, a union living under the promise and the power of Almighty God. Blessed indeed is the Christian husband and wife whose marriage is centered in Jesus Christ as depicted by the symbol for Holy Matrimony.

The heavenly Zion, the final abode of the Redeemed in heaven promised to all of God's children through faith in the Resurrected Lord Jesus Christ, is symbolized by the crown of glory, the palms of victory, and the stars of heaven. Every time we see this symbol, our hearts should leap for joy and our lips should break forth and shout - "Jerusalem, thou city fair and high, would God I were in thee! My longing heart fain, fain to thee would fly; It will not stay with me. Far over vale and mountain, Far over field and plain, It hastens to seeks its Fountain, And leave this world of pain."


  1. They are beautiful. How many stained glass pieces does your church have?


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