Star Burst

Star Burst
60 # 70 inches
Quilt of Valor #260

Star Burst was made with the “Bursting with Love” pattern on pages 28-31 in the 2022 January/February edition of Quiltmaker. My friend RoseMarie showed me the pattern, and I knew immediately that I could easily adapt it to make a Quilt of Valor by just adding borders. Thank you, RoseMarie for sharing this wonderful pattern: I’ll be using it to make another QOV. 

The center medallion was made with fabric cut into squares several months ago. The borders were cut from yardage. 

* Notes
      red frame was cut 1.5” wide
      white frame  was cut 2.5 inches
      blue side border was cut 7.5 inches wide
      blue top/bottom border was cut 5.5 inches wide
      striped top/bottom border was cut 7.5 inches wide


  1. You did a great job and it's really pretty!

  2. Another lovely one! You always give me so much inspiration for my quilts!

  3. Beautiful Nancy! The striped fabric at the bottom and top reminds me of piano keys!

  4. That's another great pattern.

  5. What a striking design. I have always loved stars and your interpretation is glorious.

  6. This turned out beautifully! So glad you are quilting!


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