
Showing posts from 2025

Taking a Stand


Jewel Box

Jewel Box 64 x 74 inches Quilt of Valor #258 Jewel Box used 480 HSTs made with scraps from previous Quilts of Valor. The various fabrics create the facets on the jewels and add sparkle to the blocks. 

Starry Delight

Starry Delight 60 x 74 inches Quilt of Valor #257 Starry Delight was made using five different star studded fabrics. The various fabrics complement each other well. The pattern Town Square by Fabric Cafe is a good one to feature focus fabrics. 

HST Block Progress

blocks made from scrap HSTs You might not remember my quest to use the squares in my 3.5 inch bin, but I don’t blame you: that sewing blitz occurred in September . I finally got tired of moving the baskets of HSTs from one place to another and started sewing them into blocks. I have fifteen blocks completely finished and another five on a tray ready to sew. The block resembles the Economy Block and uses 16 HSTs. Doing a bit of math, you’ll discover that the 20 blocks I’ve made so far used 320 HSTs from my baskets. The blocks will finish at 10 inches. Can you believe I can still make more blocks! I’m hoping to have enough for least 30 blocks. Do you think there are 160 HSTs in this basket? I haven’t counted, but I hope it’s close.  I have another QOV on the design wall to finish (this squirrel project lead me down a rabbit hole the last few days) before I can start thinking about making these blocks into a quilt. 

The Prediction

from Cowgirl Yarn Laramie, WY


Stealthy 60 x 72 inches Quilt of Valor #256 Stealthy was stalled for several weeks while my sewing mojo was on hiatus. The blocks finished at 5.5 inches and were made with scraps from my 4.5 inch square bin and the 2.5 inch strip bin. The border fabric was donated by Sue S. from Massachusetts .  Thanks, Sue!  Extra blocks were used to make the corners.