Back in Time - Fort Laramie

display at Ft. Laramie
Fort Laramie, WY
approximately 1979
previous posts about Ft. Laramie can be seen here and here


  1. How is that child going to survive? There's no computer desk or television!!!!! :::wink:::

  2. I LOVE that woven coverlet - gorgeous!!

  3. I’m with Dee. Isn’t it amazing that we all grew up? I didn’t have much more than that in my bedroom. That bed is gorgeous and so is the quilt. Blessings, Betsy

  4. I love the austere look! Great quilt on the bed, too.

  5. Such a simple look to this photo, I totally love it.

  6. Pretty thin bed, wonder if it was comfy?

  7. I love the teeny tiny toy furniture on the floor.

  8. Sure would be easy to keep that room cleam!


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